
Throne of Glass Litter: Fall 2019

chinook dog



chinook dog


+ more about the parents


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 3 - 11/17/2019

Welcome to week 3. I just want to start off saying that puppies are adorable! Every time we look at them we can think or say nothing but “aww”. Even if they’re peeing… yep adorable. I enjoy changing their bedding three times a day so I can spend time with them right after- they’re awake and it’s clean to sit in the box with them. They play and crawl all over me, laying on my lap, giving me kisses. I try to take pictures or videos of them playing, but they all just hang right around me so sorry no fun pictures for you, but lots of loving for me! (Don’t worry, we still got some pictures and videos for you too!) One thing I always say is that Chinook puppies learn the art of kisses early on in life!

The puppy’s personalities are starting to come out now so it’s always fun to see what emerges. There are the active pups that dive right into playing, there are the pups that like to watch and observe before diving in, there are the explorers, the cuddlers, the ones that make the cute little noises. There is one pup that howls, but we can’t pinpoint which one yet. I’m guessing it’s one of the boys as they make the most barks, growls and grunts, but then Lysandra can be chatting up a storm too so who knows. Asterin likes to stare you down, then you notice her and she dives right towards you for some love. I always end up with Nesryn, Nehemia or Chaol on my lap for some cuddles before playing. Nesryn is super calm when you hold her while you’re hanging out on the couch (although most pups are which is really nice, they’re all a good bunch). Rowan has been our ham lately and Asterin also has fun “attacking” the blanket.

On Sunday we gave the pups their first goat's milk which turned out to be a hit! I used the small bowl at first, but with 9 of them it turned into mayhem since they didn’t all fit! They all did a good job licking up the milk, but there was milk flying everywhere since the pups were everywhere. Manon and Dorian seemed to be the most animated, standing on top of siblings to reach the open spot for drinking! All of the pups were soaked after that, so I got to wipe them all down as they were playing.


Chinooks don’t love water, and they were growling at me for wiping them down with a damp cloth! Oh boy. So now we can help mama Zazu out by giving these guys goat's milk since they suck her dry so fast they don’t even feel full when she leaves. And since their teeth are starting to come in, she’ll be happy when she’s done with the feeding part!

We prepped our backyard and the new dog kennel area outside so we can start introducing the pups to grass and the outdoors. One thing I love about having pups this time of year is to enjoy the nice AZ weather outside. At least this generation doesn’t have a pond to fall into since we moved! At least not until Jon builds a new one. ;o) Week 4 is one of my favorite weeks since the pups are more mobile and we do more with them outside and their personalities are stronger, and they’re not as much trouble… yet.

The Throne of Glass litter (as always in order of appearance):

Desert Sol Aedion






3lb 10oz

Name Origin:

Aedion Ashryver is Aelin Galathynius's maternal cousin. He serves as a general in Adarlan's military and is known as the Wolf of the North. Aedion is one of the fiercest generals for the King of Adarlan and is located up north in Terrasen, so he was nicknamed the "Wolf of the North".


Being from up north, he is depicted in fan drawings with a white wolf.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Nesryn






3lb 7oz

Name Origin:

Nesryn Faliq is a city guard of Rifthold and is extremely skilled with a bow and arrow.


Nesryn is from the southern continent where they have ruks, large eagle-like birds with golden feathers that have the strength to carry cattle and are nimble and intelligent. We decided to get a "ruk" for her animal.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Chaol






3lb 13oz

Name Origin:

Chaol Westfall is the Adarlanian Captain of the Royal Guard, and best friend to Dorian Havilliard. He is loyal and a skilled swordsman.


Dorian bred hunting hounds, and gave one of his puppies to Celaena who is his assassin friend. She names the hound Fleetfoot, and Chaol saved Fleetfoot for her once so we decided to pair him up with the dog.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Lysandra






3lb 14oz

Name Origin:

Lysandra is a courtesan who has an affinity for Ghost Leopards. She is loyal, crafty, and powerful.


Ghost Leopards are thought to be legends as they are a fierce and stealthy hunter that are up in the north in the Staghorn Mountains. They look similar to what we know as snow leopards but with pale green eyes and are almost as big as bears. Lysandra has an affinity for them since she is usually disregarded as useful being a courtesan, but she really can be deadly and stealthy just like these animals.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Nehemia






4lb 0oz

Name Origin:

Princess Nehemia Ytger is the Princess of Eyllwe. She is devoted to her people, insightful, and intelligent.


The crest of Eyllwe appears as a large cat with a mane and stripes. Nehemia is a smart, cunning and powerful princess that is fiercly loyal to her country's people so we paired her up with the tiger.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Asterin






3lb 10oz

Name Origin:

Asterin Blackbeak is an Ironteeth witch of the Blackbeak Clan and Manon Blackbeak's cousin. She holds the position of Second in Manon's coven, the Thirteen, and is Manon's most trusted. She is resilient and speaks her mind. Like all the witches, she has retractable iron teeth and claws.


Asterin has a sky-blue mare wyvern (a creature similar to a dragon, but only have backlegs and their wings are their front limbs) named Narene. Narene is strong and stealthy which is handy when she's out scouting.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Rowan






4lb 0oz

Name Origin:

Rowan Whitethorn is a Fae Prince, warrior, and one of six elite warriors of Maeve's Cadre. He has powerful wind magic, can turn into a white-tailed hawk, and is considered the most powerful Fae male alive.


Like most Fae, Rowan can transform into animal form which is is the white-tailed hawk. While in animal form he can still use his magic. The white-tailed hawk is also the Whitethorn house crest.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Dorian






3lb 9oz

Name Origin:

Dorian Havilliard II is the first-born son of Georgina Havilliard and the King Dorian Havilliard I. The prince is handsome, well-read, and has raw, untamed power.


Dorian is a skilled hunter so we gave him a horse since he was an excellent horseback rider.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Manon






3lb 8oz

Name Origin:

Manon Blackbeak is heir of the Blackbeak Witch-Clan. She wields Wind Cleaver and like all the witches has retractable iron teeth and claws. While generally decisive and unyielding, she has a soft spot for her wyvern and the one she calls princeling.


Manon has a gray wyvern named Abraxos (named after the Three Headed Goddess's pet whose coils were wrapped around the earth). He is a true warrior that is smart and cunning... who also loves to smell flowers.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy
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  • chinook dog
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  • chinook dog
  • chinook dog
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  • chinook dog
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  • chinook dog
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  • chinook dog
  • chinook dog
  • chinook dog
  • chinook dog
  • chinook dog
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  • chinook dog



Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8