
Celestial Eclipse Litter: Summer 2024

chinook dog



chinook dog


+ more about the parents


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 6 - 7/18/2024

I remember this part of the puppy journey with Greta’s first litter and it was when I was ready to use all the retirement money to build an addition and keep all the puppies. We’ve been talking with potential puppy owners and the end is starting to be real. So we are a little sad this week and keep contemplating if we want another puppy. ;)

They are all starting to be real individuals. Personalities are so precious. They’ve been here for a long time and Hermione is very attached to them and I think loves having all their attention. Greta is still in the mix of weaning and overwhelmed when they all rush her to try and feed, but both sides are starting to understand that the time for milk is over.

Pups are eating softened puppy food now in large volumes. On Sunday we were at 9 cups, 3x a day with maybe a little left. It is amazing how quickly they grow.

We’ve had numerous visitors this week: big kids, little kids, someone with a beard (which they loved to chew on), the Music department (2 pink girls whom Luna - pink collar - connected with) and Reading teachers.

The biggest hit at the end of this week was the Jungle gym and outside area. Pups are going out in the yard when the wake up from a nap or when they eat and trying to get the hang of doing their business outdoors. Greta and Hermione love joining them for a minute or 2 and stealing puppies toys and trying to escape with them. A couple pups were escape artists from the temporary fenced area but didn't know they escaped. Which was good for us, so we could gather them up quickly. It finally got out of the 90’s here, so the pups can stay out longer.

They are tugging with each other and with toys and continuing to learn how to self sooth when they get upset. We did something called the barrier challenge, where you show them a bowl of food and then put them on the other side of a barrier and see if they can find it. Artemis won with a nearly direct path back. Everyone else took a couple tries. We also started getting them used to a clicker.


Notes on personalities: Andromeda is beautiful, sweet and curious. Nebula is super playful, loves a settle cuddle, and herds you outside with her. Nova is strong, enjoys people time, loves the outdoors, and is fairly independent in her thinking of what she wants to do. Asterix plays hard and loves hard (and loves a goodnight belly rub). Artemis is an equal opportunity player (she plays with everyone!). Aurora “Rory” is a hopper and loves to climb and frolic. Luna loves the crate and will seek you out for a cuddle when she wants one. Venus likes to crawl up and snuggle (but not a fan of the weekly photo shoot) and is affectionate. Celeste likes to wait to eat after the crowd clears and is very good at cleaning up the random pieces of food. She enjoys playing and checking in with the human in the room. Mars enjoys his outdoor time and plays with Artemis (who is like his mini me but a girl). He still loves a belly rub and getting love. He is a watcher and doesn’t necessarily follow the crowd.

The Celestial Eclipse litter (as always in order of appearance):

Desert Sol Andromeda




9lb 3oz

Name Origin:

Andromeda is the galaxy closest to the Milky Way. She was first to pop out and will be closest to Greta for the longest:)

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Nebula




8lb 5oz

Name Origin:

A cloud of dust or gas found between stars.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Nova




10lb 10oz

Name Origin:

A star that flares up to several times its original brightness for some time before returning to its original state.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Asterix




10lb 2oz

Name Origin:

Asterix is a French Cartoon Character that I think my French teacher used to give up. I was talking to one of my Ukrainian refugee students about it a month ago and Aster is a star so it seemed like a great fit for the first boy of the litter.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Artemis




6lb 2oz

Name Origin:

The Artemis missions to the moon as well as the Greek Goddess of hunting and the moon are what Artemis is named after.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Aurora




8lb 8oz

Name Origin:

This year in much of the hemisphere the Aurora Borealis are visible several times because of the solar flares on the sun.

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chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Venus




10lb 0oz

Name Origin:

Our sister planet seemed like a great name for a girl in the litter.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Luna




9lb 0oz

Name Origin:

Obviously as the eclipse litter we needed a moon baby. Luna is a beautiful shade and reminded us of the moon.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Celeste




10lb 12oz

Name Origin:

...At this point we had run out of girl names and I sent a text to my work friends for suggestions :) Thanks Becky Pethybridge for Celeste's name!

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Mars




9lb 11oz

Name Origin:

Not just a planet, but the god of War, Mars is going to be a great warrior in the litter.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy
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Week 7