
Nightmare Before Christmas Litter: Winter 2021

chinook dog



chinook dog


+ more about the parents



Week 1

Week 2

Week 2 - 12/19/2021

Week 2 has brought several changes to our cute pudgy sausages. Shock was the first to open her eyes and all the rest soon followed. They are continuing to improve on their wobbly walking and they practically come running when Mama Kima steps into the whelping box to feed them. These littlle cuties are also starting their play biting stage. They’re movements to play are in super cute slow motion but are also very intentional. They all love to cuddle and continue to put on weight at a steady pace, with all of them now within a few ounces of each other. We are continuing the Early Neurological Stimulation and will be extending the whelping box in the coming week.

Kima has learned to take healthy breaks from her babies and has welcomed her “sister”, Tika, to join her in the whelping box. Kima continues to cuddle with her babies and does an amazing job keeping them clean. There’s really nothing cuter than watching her just lay there while a puppy is engaging in playtime with their Mama’s nose!

It is with a very heavy heart that I tell you all that our sweet Sally has passed away. She was only 16 days old, but in those short 16 days that we had the pleasure to know and love her she accomplished so much. Although this is a satellite litter for Desert Sol, she will always be remembered as the very first puppy for Almond Orchard Chinooks as new breeders.

Sally came out feet first and decided to test us to “dance” in a circle in the whelping box while Jon coaxed her out and I (Kathy) guided Kima to squat every few steps as a way to push her out into the world. Sally came into the world the most vocal out of the bunch. She was sweet but she was also sassy and we loved every inch of her. Sally also was the very first of the litter to intentionally seek out the newly set up litter box in the newly expanded whelping box and was the first to poop in it. I was ecstatic that at 15 days old, she knew how to use a litter box.


Sally was gorgeous, with her beautiful tawny fur and just as beautiful masking. She was never one to be pushed around by her siblings at the “milk bar” either. Although we only had 16 very short days with her, Sally will always hold a special place in our hearts and she will forever be remembered by us. I would like to think she is now being watched over by BrownStone Chinooks Suka, our first Chinook, and that they are playing and running free over the Rainbow Bridge. Godspeed Sally. The necropsy report support pneumonia as a result of accidental aspiration.

The Nightmare Before Christmas litter (as always in order of appearance):

Desert Sol Sally






3lb 0oz

Name Origin:

Sally is the deuteragonist in the 1993 stop-motion film, The Nightmare Before Christmas. She is a rag doll monster from Halloween Town, created by Dr. Finkelstein. An intelligent, yet inconspicuous woman, Sally yearns for independence, but is repeatedly restrained by her overprotective creator. Sally (the character) is kind, sensible, honest, and incredibly clever.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Shock






3lb 3oz

Name Origin:

Shock is one of the three "Oogie Boys", the secondary antagonists of the 1993 stop-motion film, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Shock (the character) is the most cunning, the most intelligent, the most skeptical, and the only female of Oogie's minions.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Jack






3lb 3oz

Name Origin:

Jack Skellington is the "Pumpkin King" of Halloween Town, and the protagonist of the 1993 stop-motion film, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Jack Skellington is the patron spirit of Halloween, portrayed as being on par with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny within his own holiday. Jack (the character) is very much an undead gentleman, graceful and patient in equal measures and can usually be counted on to do what is in everyone's best interest.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Zero






3lb 0oz

Name Origin:

Zero is a supporting character in the 1993 stop-motion film, The Nightmare Before Christmas. He is Jack Skellington's pet ghost dog. Zero (the character) is entirely loyal to his master. Despite his ghostly form, he acts very much like a normal dog; his favorite activity is fetching the bones pulled from Jack's skeletal body.

chinook puppy
chinook puppy chinook puppy

Desert Sol Oogie






2lb 13oz

Name Origin:

Oogie Boogie is the main antagonist in the 1993 stop-motion film, The Nightmare Before Christmas. He is the infamous Boogeyman, depicted as a bug-filled burlap sack with a penchant for gambling. Oogie's (the character) mannerisms resemble that of a snazzy showman, as he typically enjoys dancing about his lair and singing jazzy show tunes.

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chinook puppy chinook puppy
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Week 3

Week 4

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8